Hey! Look at this!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Full Throttle

So, this weekend I decided enough was enough, and I completely (well, almost) purged the kitchen of anything "naughty".  That's right kids, bread, pasta, Jell-O, all of it. Garbage.

*In the interest of full disclosure, I did keep a few "bad" things. Pomegranate jelly my Grandmother made, home made sweet pickles, a single bag of pasta (we bought it not too long ago, and I feel like that would be wasteful), and I hung on to my flour, sugar, and baking powder & soda, since when if we decide to cheat, then we won't have to buy a WHOLE bag of something, just to make a little.  We also, very sadly, ate our last peanut butter and jelly SANDWICH.

Long story short, I finally reached the tipping point. I am so tired of feeling shitty and eating crap. I am ready to do this, balls to the wall (well, figuratively, of course).  I even made ahead breakfasts for me and the man for the next 3 days, and made us up salads for lunch. I also prepared "smoothie packs" for smoothies later in the week. *I plan to post recipes and pictures of these*

Overall, I feel very accomplished this weekend. I got all of the temptations out of the house, and I'm ready to start being better about stocking healthy food and snacks.  To me it's the snacks that are the hardest to be "good" about, and I feel at a loss as to what to keep around.

I'll have those recipes up probably either later today, or tomorrow.

Peace y'all

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