Hey! Look at this!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Salad in a Jar

I got the idea from Pinterest, which is the best thing ever!!

First, I poured a little bit of this dressing in the bottom (only enough to cover the bottom of the quart jar).
Sidenote: I know it's not Paleo, but it's my FAVE dressing, and I couldn't bear to throw it out yet.. Don't worry, it's almost empty!

I took some of the leftover chicken, and chopped it roughly and put that in second. Then I added some carrots, peppers, and a tiny bit of onion. Last, I added a couple handfuls of baby spinach.

Important!! Make sure to put the spinach (or whatever green) on top, so it doesn't get soggy from the dressing.  When you're ready to eat, just shake.. Yep, just like those old McDonald's Salad Shakers.

You can add pretty much anything to the salad. Just make sure you have enough bulk to separate the greens and dressing. Be Creative!

Salad inspired by: http://www.fatgirltrappedinaskinnybody.com/2011/10/salad-in-a-jar-src/

Peace y'all!

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