Ok, so life has been ridiculously busy the last few weeks. Meal planning, work, etc... On top of that, my BIRTHDAY!!!! Yay :-) Although I turned 25 :-( boo. Easter tried to steal my birthday thunder again this year (April 8), which I already share with my puppy. And yes, she really was born on my 20th Birthday (The last Easter, lol)... I didn't make it up. I was pretty excited about that when I got her. The Beau's birthday is coming up too (April 18), which is also our anniversary (Awwwwww). I'm really excited about the gift I bought him! Can't spoil the surprise though ;-)
In other big news: WE'RE MOVING BACK TO FLORIDA!!!!!!! Yes, for real, for real. We're slated to go late May/ early June (no later than the 10th), and I'm pretty damn excited!
I will post later with some more Paleo-ish stuff. Recipes, etc that I have done recently. Some of the things I've come up with, I'm really excited to share, so keep an eye out!
Peace y'all!!